Central Checkout Vendor Kiosk

Millcreek Public Market – Central Checkout Vendor Kiosk


Millcreek Common is a year-round destination, a place for the community to come together for play, dining, and shopping. Existing features include a skate loop, splash pad, rock climbing wall, events, music, food and more. The Public Market at Millcreek Common occupies the first floor of the Millcreek City Hall at 1330 E Chambers Avenue and includes a market space, Millcreek Coffee Roasters and Noodle Head Restaurant.


Applications are open to apply to be a vendor at our Central Checkout kiosk. Vendors will have inventory displayed for sale on a 24”x 24”x60” four sided revolving slat wall merchandiser. Looking for small, accessories and printed materials. Pieces ranging in size, items must be smaller than 5x7 in size. Vendors will be assigned a space to display their product. Millcreek will provide the display material for vendors.


How to participate? 

The Central Checkout kiosk will operate under a consignment model, meaning that our staff will manage the merchandiser with a central checkout. Our consignors are responsible for delivering product and restocking inventory, but our staff will manage the checkout. The commission fee is 25% of sales, this includes sales tax, credit card processing fees and staffing/admin support. Payments will be made in full within 3 weeks of the term end.